Week 7: Love

There are plenty of people who feel that Valentines day is commercial, it has no essence, it's a way of making money, it's not something as people of faith we should be celebrating...

Well regardless of how you feel about Saint Valentine, we do like the idea of celebrating love. I saw a clip online of someone asking Mufti Menk, a well known faith leader and motivational speaker, responded with this: 

“I as a best Muslim, every day for me is a day of love. I'm in love. With who? With my spouse, with my family members. Every day I tell them so many times I love them, I message them.”

Inevitably, we couldn't resist making this week’s prompt — Love  - and invite you to explore the many facets of love beyond the romantic. Love is found in friendships, family, self-care, and even the kindness of strangers.

What does love mean to you? Is it the warmth of a hug, the quiet support of a friend, or the love we pour into our passions? Love is not always loud, it can be in the small gestures, the everyday moments, the acts of care we often overlook.

Express your interpretation of love through any medium. Write a letter to someone you cherish, paint the feeling of love in colours, capture a moment of kindness in a photograph, the choice is yours! 

Share your creations with #52creatives and let’s celebrate love in all its forms

Want to know more? Looking to join the challenge? Start here: 52 weeks of inspiration


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