Week 3: Feeling Blue

Thanks to a travel company looking to promote their special offers, ‘Blue Monday’ occurs every year in January. Titled ‘Blue’ because of the assumption that this was the day where people felt the most sad. The weather is usually bleak (depending where you are in the world of course), debt from the holiday season causes worry and typically most people have lost hope in their new year's resolutions.

Although the colour ‘blue’ can often be attributed to sadness, blue can also be many other things. If I think about blue it actually reminds me of happier times. I think of endless blue skies, blue seas, both of which settle me into a calm and reflective mood.

I think of bold and bright Matisse-like prints and David Hockney's subtle blue pools… It brings up melodies and soulful sounds. I think of Margi Lakes geometric masterpiece Baraka Blues or the subtle watercolour strokes on a Nadia Djavanshir painting

It’s clear ‘blue’ is so much more than one emotion. More than just a colour. It’s a mood, a feeling, a sound, a story. 

For this week’s prompt - Feeling Blue - think about what ‘blue’ means to you. 

Express your own take on this theme. Maybe it’s a moody photograph, an abstract painting drenched in indigo, a short story about longing, or a song inspired by blues music. Let emotion guide you and see where the blues take you.

Share your creations with #52creatives and let’s explore the depths of creativity together!

Want to know more? Looking to join the challenge? Start here: 52 weeks of inspiration

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